Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jacqueline Kennedy Interviews from1964

Apparently Jacqueline Kennedy taped hours of conversation with historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. not long after President Kennedy's assassination with the idea of having them released at some date far into the future.

Diane Sawyer will host a special in September where the tapes will be played for the listening public. The tapes will coincide with release of a book featuring text of the conversations.

I'm not a Kennedy groupie by any means but I always admired the former First Lady for keeping her own counsel all those decades. Except for one publishing-oriented interview she never spoke publicly about her personal life and times. Ever. She even burned all of her personal letters and journals a few days before her death. So there is definitely some historical significance to this release.

But here's my question: will anyone under 50 be interested?


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